health & wellness
Reduced inflammation (inc. fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriasis)
Reduced psychological stress, anxiety, and depression
Increased energy
Improved sleep
Enhanced immune function
Better joint function
Increased libido
Quicker post-surgery recovery times
Athletic Recovery
Top atheltes like Cristiano Ronaldo, Lebron James, Floyd Mayweather and more have turned to cryotherapy to help boost their recovery and increase their performance. The healing benefits of cold therapy have long been a part of the recovery process and that is why athletes use cryotherapy to train harder, longer, and reach peak performance.
Increased concentration
Increased strength
Decreased fatigue
Increased blood circulation
recovery & performance
Faster recovery times
Reduced inflammation
Increased range of motion and flexibility
Increased endurance
Pain relief
Tissue repair
Immune system boost
Beauty & Anti-Aging
Cold therapy treatments have been used in the health and beauty industry for years to maintain the skin. Cryotherapy treatments can be used to treat aging and various skin symptoms by increasing cell rejuvenation, improving skin tone, reducing signs of wrinkles, promoting skin tightening, and boosting collagen levels.
More youthful complexion
Firmer skin
Stimulation of collagen production
Increased metabolism and weight loss
Stronger, fuller hair
Cellulite reduction